10 Nov 2022

Susan Marshall on her 5000km run

From Nine To Noon, 9:35 am on 10 November 2022

Susan Marshall is back home and earning a well-deserved break after running from 6am to 11pm.... for 50 days.

She was the first woman - and fifth overall - across the line in the Sri Chinmoy Self-Transcendence race in New York.

The race is 3100 miles long - 4988 kilometres - and participants have 52 days to finish - which is basically the equivalent of running two marathons each day.

Susan is just the ninth woman to complete the race in 26 years. So would she do it again? 

Susan Marshall at the 2000 mile point in the race.

Susan Marshall at the 2000 mile point in the race. Photo: Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team

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