14 Nov 2022

Farmers want changes to emissions pricing plan

From Nine To Noon, 9:10 am on 14 November 2022

Submissions close at the end of this week, on the government's agricultural pricing emissions plan.

Last month the government made what farmers say are significant changes to the proposals reached by the farmer, government and iwi working group,

He Waka Eke Noa. Sector groups responded vehemently, saying the changes upset the delicate balance they had struck.

Sheep and beef farmers estimate they could lose up to 20 percent of their production, forcing them to sell up or convert productive land into forestry.

The Government admits sheep and beef farms will be hit disproportionately and wants to work with them, but farmers are sceptical.

Kathryn speaks to Tairawhiti farmer Toby Williams and Federated Farmers President Andrew Hoggard about their concerns and whether there's any hope of finding a middle ground.

The weekly sheep sale at Gisborne's Matawhero Stockyards

The weekly sheep sale at Gisborne's Matawhero Stockyards Photo: Phil Smith

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