14 Nov 2022

Europe correspondent: Istanbul explosion, Ukraine celebrates, Italy and France's war of words

From Nine To Noon, 9:50 am on 14 November 2022
Ambulances arrive at the scene as police cordon off Istiklal Avenue following a huge blast on the busy Istanbul street.

Ambulances arrive at Istiklal Avenue following a huge blast on the busy Istanbul street. Photo: AFP

Europe correspondent Seamus Kearney has the latest on the deadly explosion in Istanbul.

He also talks to Kathryn about Russia's major military defeat as its troops withdrew from Kherson as Ukraine begins clearing the city of the mess and mines that have been left behind. Italy's new far-right government is in a stoush with France after it refused to let a migrant boat dock which is against EU and international law.

And an Iranian man without a passport who lived in Paris' Charles de Gaulle airport for years, inspiring the Steven Spielberg film The Terminal, has died at the airport of a heart attack.

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