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The National party wants to bring back military style bootcamps to "re--programme" young repeat offenders.
The policy announced yesterday would see repeat offenders aged between 10 and 17 convicted of serious crimes like ram-raids, armed burglary or assault potentially sent to new military academies run by the Ministry of Justice and the Defence Force.
The party says, if necessary, young offenders could be monitored by ankle bracelets.
National rolled out nine-week boot camps when it was in Government in 2010 that later reported high levels of reoffending and were shut down over an apparent lack of participants.
In 2017 it revived the policy on the campaign trail. Kathryn speaks with Chester Borrows, former Minister for Courts in the John Key-led National Government.
He has spent 45 years in the criminal justice system as a police officer, lawyer and is a current member of the Parole Board.