Photo: Gorodenkoff Productions OU / 123RF
There are calls for a shift to specialist medical appointments being sent electronically, following concerns patients are receiving letters too late to get to appointments.Last week we heard how New Zealand Post outlets ran out of both local and international stamps - right as the Christmas rush hits. The Postal Workers Union says the shortage of stamps is symptomatic of a broken system, generally unable to deliver on the government's three-day delivery target. We had a lot of feedback from listeners, including how patients on the West Coast have missed hospital appointments because of the late arrival of their confirmation letter. To discuss the issue, Hokitika Mayor Helen Lash, Association of Salaried Medical Specialists Executive Director Sarah Dalton, who is calling for appointments to be emailed, and the Chair of Hauora Taiwhenua - Rural Health Network, Fiona Bolden, who says rural residents are no strangers to getting correspondence late and there needs to be multi-pronged action to deal with the problem.