New research reveals the role everyday items such milk cartons and painkillers play in declining sperm health.
Infertility is a global health problem. It's estimated one in six couples have difficulties conceiving, with male fertility problems accounting for almost half of all cases.
Sperm counts are reported to be falling by around 1.1% per year, with an overall decline of 51.6% in 45 years.
And, the rate of decline has doubled since 2000. Kathryn is joined by leading British expert in the field Professor Andreas Kortenkamp to explain the possible causes for semen quality decline, and the latest research into exposure to chemicals.
Until now, studies into male infertility and chemical exposures have focused on phthalates. Latest research reveals bisphenols, polychlorinated dioxins and paracetamol affect infertility more.
sperm Photo: wikicommons