Photo: RNZ / Cole Eastham-Farrelly
With so many uninhabitable homes across Tāmaki Makaurau - the housing crisis in our biggest city has intensified.
So far 175 of the city's flood damaged houses have been red stickered and 760 yellow stickered - and hundreds more are awaiting assessment.
Volunteers at an emergency centre in Mangere say around 400 displaced people are turning up each day, needing emergency housing food and clothing.
Auckland Property Investors Association is warning rents are likely to rise as remedial work to flood-damaged properties affects supply.
The Real Estate Institute says over a third of all residential properties in Auckland are rented, and it is appealing to people who may have short term rental and long term rental properties available to get in touch.
Kathryn speaks with Real Estate Institute Chief Executive Jen Baird, Éimhín O'Shea, National Organiser for Renters United, and Tupuola Roine Lealaiauloto from Pacific transitional and social housing supplier, the Penina Trust.