Photo: LDR / Stuff / Stephen Forbes
Last month Auckland Airport announced an overhaul to its 57-year-old domestic airport.
Plans have been in the works for nearly 12 years, with the company consulting with its major airline customers on shape of a replacement. In mid-March the Auckland Airport board gave approval for an integrated domestic and international terminal as part of the multi-billion redevelopment scheduled to take place over the next five to six years.
It includes 12 new domestic aircraft gates, up 20 percent from current levels, with electric charging and all catered for future aircraft. But the issue of who pays worries airlines.
The Board of Airlines Representatives CEO Cath O'Brien told Nine to Noon last Friday the cost will pushed onto airlines in the form of higher airport fees - and that would flow to ticket prices. Kathryn puts that to Auckland Airport's CEO Carrie Hurihanganui.