5 May 2023

Links between youth mental health and environment

From Nine To Noon, 9:07 am on 5 May 2023
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Photo: Public Health Summer School - Otago University

The results of a newly published study link young people's mental health with where they grow up.

Data from nearly a million young Kiwis demonstrates the effect environment has on youth mental health, and points to the relevance of this for urban and rural planning.

Researchers at the University of Canterbury have been mapping localities and investigating whether living near gaming venues, takeaways and liquor stores, or green and blue areas like parks and rivers are linked to mental health. 

The paper, published in the journal Social Science and Medicine show young people living in unhealthy environments are more likely to experience poorer emotional and mental health and addiction. 

University of Canterbury Senior Lecturer in Public Health Dr Matt Hobbs and Dr Nick Bowden from the University of Otago co-led the study.

Dr Matt Hobbs joins Kathryn.

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