15 May 2023

Knowing the whakapapa of your kai

From Nine To Noon, 11:30 am on 15 May 2023
Whakapapa of your Kai

Photo: Lightchasers

Young Maori chefs Joshua Hunter and Mitchell Tierney have turned the capital's well known inner city eatery, Havana Bar and cafe into a wharekai as part of Wellington on a Plate. Josh, who is Ngāti Tūwharetoa, and Mitchell who is Ngāti Awa and Te Arawa are on a mission to show that there is more to traditional Māori cooking than hāngi. They've brought a custom built barbeque to Havana's courtyard and while Josh cooks up delicacies like tītī (mutton bird) , kōura (crayfish) and urenika (purple potatoes), Mitchell tells the story of the kai and its whakapapa. Josh is a Chef at Milford Sound Lodge, where he also caters on tourist boats. Mitchell lives in Auckand where he's setting up a bar. Also Christchurch chef Maty Johns.

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