29 May 2023

Rural recovery in Hawkes Bay and Gisborne

From Nine To Noon, 9:30 am on 29 May 2023
The banks of the Wairoa River, which runs through the town, remain covered in nearly a metre of silt three months after the cyclone.

Photo: RNZ / Kate Green


Since the weather event, multi-sector rural coordination groups have let the Government know what they expect in terms of a blueprint for recovery aimed at helping farmers, growers and families work through the monumental challenges left in cyclone's wake. 

The government announced a $6 billion National Resilience Plan, and a $100m flood infrastructure fund as part of this year's Budget - but that needs to be stretched across a huge North Island geographical spread. 

So three and a half months on - how are things shaping up on the ground ?

We check back in with Tairawhiti-based Sandra Matthews, who is  national board chair of Rural Women and on the Beef and Lamb NZ farmer council and member of the Tairawhiti rural coordination group.

Also joining the conversation is Di Roadley, who farms in the Ruakituri Valley inland north of Wairoa, she is also Hawkes Bay regional councillor, and retired farmer Bel Gunson from Rural Support Trust Hawkes Bay.