31 May 2023

When is it time to euthanase a loved pet?

From Nine To Noon, 11:20 am on 31 May 2023
dog feeling sick

Photo: 123RF

When is it time to say goodbye to a much loved, but unwell pet, and what can a pet owner expect from their family vet when it comes to the difficult matter of euthanasia? 

Dr Kat Littlewood is a Lecturer in Animal Welfare and Veterinary Specialist in Animal Welfare Science, Ethics, & Law at the School of Veterinary Science at Massey University. She's recently co-authored a study published in the New Zealand Veterinary Journal on the topic, which finds quite a variation in how vets approach euthanasia, and that student vets don't get enough training in the area, particularly in how to manage compassion fatigue and clients' emotional needs.