An increasing number of secondary schools around the country are ditching NCEA Level One - ahead of a refresh to the qualification that's being introduced over the next few years.
The changes to level one kick in from next year, but learners will only be able to earn it once they have met new literacy and numeracy standards.
Changes to Level Two and Level Three are being introduced in 2026 and 2027.
That's led some schools to opt out of offering Level One - and concentrate instead on a longer lead-in time for Level Two.
Other schools have opted to set up their own qualification instead.
So what is it about the change that's leading schools to make this decision, and what are they doing instead?
Hobsonville Point Secondary School was one of the first schools to opt out of offering Level One. Principal Maurie Abraham joins Kathryn to explain why.
And Christ's College Assistant Principal - Curriculum Nicole Billante talks about the school's experience of offering its own diploma.
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