23 Aug 2023

Around the motu: Alisha Evans in Tauranga

From Nine To Noon, 10:50 am on 23 August 2023
A Judge has ordered Chopper must be put down after his owner was convicted of owning a dog causing injury.

A Judge has ordered Chopper must be put down after his owner was convicted of owning a dog causing injury. Photo: Supplied

Western Bay of Plenty Local Democracy reporter Alisha Evans is in Tauranga, where a judge has ordered a rottweiler that bit a vet be put down, following a lengthy court battle.

And Western Bay of Plenty is getting Māori wards next election, after a 12 year battle. It was a split vote, with three councillors against them.

Meanwhile an ex-councillor has been thrown out of a meeting about the proposed Tauranga Stadium for being "disorderly". Murray Guy interrupted from the public gallery.

Finally, an apology from a quiz team for dressing in Ku Klux Klan outfits at Kaimai community fundraiser.

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