31 Aug 2023

Houses on stilts: The alternative to managed retreat?

From Nine To Noon, 9:35 am on 31 August 2023
US elevated house stranded in US Megastorm Sandy in 2012.

US elevated house stranded in US Megastorm Sandy in 2012. Photo: NOVA

As sea levels continue to rise, houses on stilts are being floated as a cost-effective option for homeowners to remain in flood-prone areas.

The study, commissioned by Niwa, came after discussions with lower Waikato iwi and the question, 'What can be done if you don't want to leave?'

Project lead for Niwa's Future Coasts Aotearoa, Dr Christo Rautenbach, says inland relocation is a last resort for many and the research, which provides cost estimates for raising various buildings, could be an alternative for those living in low-lying coastal zones.

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