5 Sep 2023

Frustrated trans patients turn to DIY treatment

From Nine To Noon, 9:05 am on 5 September 2023

Some transgender patients are turning to the internet to buy gender-affirming hormones, saying they are not getting the support they believe they need from the health system.

They say taking unprescribed hormone treatment is risky, and they would prefer to receive treatment under medical supervision.

Demand for gender affirming healthcare has increased significantly in recent years, but some in the trans health sector say work is still needed to upskill doctors around the country.

Kathryn speaks to August Ward who resorted to DIY treatment, Avery Zavoda from the University of Auckland group Trans on Campus, and GP Cathy Stephenson, who co-authored the national guidelines around gender-affirming healthcare.

Hormone Therapy

Photo: 123rf

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