25 Sep 2023

Melanoma immunotherapy recruits for clinical trial

From Nine To Noon, 9:35 am on 25 September 2023

A global cancer trial that seeks to use a patient's own immune system to target and destroy melanomas is set to get underway in New Zealand.

Aotearoa has the highest rates of melanoma - the most serious, and deadly skin cancer - in the world.

Next month, recruitment begins for a clinical trial of an INT - Individualised Neoantigen Therapy.

The therapy, used in combination with cancer drug Keytruda, is personalised to each patient, based on their tumour's unique genetic mutations.

The Phase 3 clinical trial is recruiting patients who have had melanomas surgically removed, but are ineligible for the Pharmac funded Keytruda.

Pharmaceutical research Scientist developing a new drug or vaccine in the lab.

Photo: AFP / Tek Image/Science Photo Library

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