23 Jan 2024

Holidayzzzzz: Getting kids back into a good sleep routine

From Nine To Noon, 11:30 am on 23 January 2024

Getting a good night sleep can be tough on a sticky summer night. It can be even harder for young kids - and their parents! - whose sleep schedules have been put out of whack by holiday adventures and longer daylight hours.

Should parents be concerned if their children aren't getting enough shut-eye?

And as the end of the holidays approach and a return to school looms what are some of the ways to get back into a good sleep routine?

Professor Sarah Blunden is a clinical psychologist and Head of Paediatric Sleep Research at Central Queensland University in Australia.

Tired exhausted lazy little girl lying on sofa at home. Sleepy kid resting relaxing on couch.

Photo: 123rf

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