Shakes and the Troublemakers: (Left to Right:) Shakes, Red (aka Alan Metcalfe), Dave Prendergast and Pottley Mostly. Photo: Roger Grauwmeijer
Music correspondent Ian Chapman shines a spotlight on two long-established, highly talented, but stylistically very different musical identities from Dunedin.
While Shakes (aka Chris Prendergast) and John Dodd have been held in the highest esteem among the music fraternity of Otepoti for many decades, beyond Otago they are largely unsung heroes despite their impressive musical pedigrees.
Ian seeks to rectify that situation - as he did last year with David Harrison - and will play two songs from each of these modest yet remarkable music luminaries.
Ian Chapman is an Honorary Senior Research Fellow in Music at the University of Otago.
Skin and Bone: (Left to right) Mike Moroney, Emily Sterk, Steve Hudson, Anna Bowen, John Dodd. Insert: John Dodd. Photo: Marianne Groothuis. Insert photo, Ella Dodd.