6 May 2024

Is AgriZero NZs making progress towards it's ambitious 2030 methane reduction goals?

From Nine To Noon, 9:35 am on 6 May 2024

AgriZero NZ is a public-private partnership between the New Zealand government, Synlait, Rabobank, Fonterra, ANZCO, Silver Fern Farms, ANZ, ASB, A2 Milk and Ravensdown.

Established in 2023, it has the bold aim of reducing our agricultural methane emissions 30% by 2030.

To date,  $180 million has been committed through to 2026.

Kathryn Ryan spoke to Chief Executive Wayne McNee in October. Six months on Head of Strategy & Engagement Ruth Leary discusses what progress has been made.

Ruth Leary is a blond lady. She is smiling, wearing and AgriZeroNZ puffer jacket.

Photo: Damian Christie – The Science Agency

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