30 May 2024

Millions of Ticketmaster users worldwide potentially caught in

From Nine To Noon, 9:30 am on 30 May 2024
Hacker working on hacking some information. Cyber scam. 13 November 2018

Photo: 123rf.com

More than half a billion Ticketmaster customers across the world may have been caught up in a massive data breach. A hacker group is claiming to have the personal details of 560 million users, including names, addresses, credit card numbers, phone numbers and payment details. The group, ShinyHunters, is asking for US$500,000 for the safe return of the data.

The Office of the Privacy Commissioner says it hasn't been notified by TicketMaster of a breach impacting New Zealanders. It says where an organisation has had a privacy breach that is likely to cause anyone serious harm, it is legally required to notify the Office and any affected persons as soon as they are practicably able to.

Nine to Noon has tried to contact Ticketmaster which has not yet publicly responded. Consumer NZ CEO Jon Duffy speaks with Kathryn Ryan.