5 Jun 2024

Te Whatu Ora respond to nurses' safety concerns

From Nine To Noon, 9:25 am on 5 June 2024
Healthcare people

Photo: 123rf

The Nurses Organisation says its members fear the directive from Health NZ/Te Whatu Ora to save $105m across hospitals by July will put their own safety, and that of patients, at risk.

Health New Zealand has suggested the savings could come from not providing cover for sick staff, stopping double shifts, and cutting back on overtime.

It says the move is about reducing overspend, not making cuts. The New Zealand Nurses Organisation has written to Health NZ's chief people officer, to share nurses' concerns of the impact of the cutting of cover.

Nurses say they're already burning out and leaving the sector. Te Whatu Ora chief people officer Andrew Slater joins Kathryn Ryan.