Photo: Supplied: 350 Aotearoa
Airline passengers landing in Wellington yesterday afternoon may've noticed an alteration to the capital's hillside sign.
Campaigners from climate action group 350 Aotearoa added a banner underneath the 'Wellington' sign that reads 'End Private Jets'. The group says private jet use in New Zealand has more than doubled over the past decade - and that's helping to increase the country's carbon emissions.
Indeed a 2021 study by the European Federation for Transport and Environment put the carbon emissions from private jets at 5 to 14 times that of commercial planes per passenger. 350 Aotearoa also says each private jet flight pays a third of the fees that commercial flights pay.
Kathryn speaks to Paul Callister, an aviation emissions expert and Adam Currie is a strategic advisor with 350 Aotearoa.