22 Jul 2024

From cheffing to aquaculture: Jeremy Singleton's path to raising sustainable kingfish

From Nine To Noon, 11:30 am on 22 July 2024
Punters enjoying the fare at the Brew of Islands festival. Right, NIWA's sustainable on-land haku fishery.

Punters enjoying the fare at the Brew of Islands festival. Right, NIWA's sustainable on-land haku fishery. Photo: Glen McClelland, NIWA

Jeremy Singleton was a chef for 16 years, predominantly working in Wellington - including at Ortega Fish Shack and Logan Brown.

Then he retrained in marine biology, and now is an aquaculture technician with NIWA and an ambassador for kingfish or Haku.

Jeremy will be serving up Kingfish at this weekend's Brew of Islands' Craft Beer Festival in Kerikeri.

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