29 Jul 2024

Victim blaming more likely to come from family and friends

From Nine To Noon, 9:05 am on 29 July 2024
Stop violence against Women,sexual abuse, human trafficking, The concept of sexual harassment against women and rape, black and white image

Photo: 123RF

New research from Victim Support has found most victim blaming comes from friends and family.

And the recent qualitative study from the organisation found more than half of the victims they interviewed said they wouldn't report a future crime due to fear of being blamed in some way.

The organisation is today launching a campaign called Change the Script to encourage supportive environments for victims of crime.

Lead researcher Dr Petrina Hargrave says we are wired to victim blame, because it protects us from the reality that bad things happen to good people.

She says it's easier to believe people are responsible for their own misfortunes.

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