1 Aug 2024

Family support programme Tākai casualty of funding cuts

From Nine To Noon, 9:16 am on 1 August 2024
Image of the closure message on Tākai's website.

Photo: Screengrab

A family and whanau support programme that's run for 20 years is a casualty of funding cuts by Oranga Tamariki; next week its resources, learning platform and website will cease to exist.

Tākai started out as Skip - Strategies for Kids, Information for Parents. It provided parenting resources and helped fund community-based initiatives to support whanau with young kids and prevent family harm.

Oranga Tamariki has been reviewing its future funding - with many charities and NGOs now getting confirmation their contracts won't be renewed.

A message on Tākai's website says "millions of evidence-based parenting resources have made their way into homes...hundreds of innovated community-led prevention initiatives have been funded".

But after August 9 it all goes. Deb Rewiri has been part of the Tākai kaupapa for years and talks to the work it did and her concerns over its cancellation.