12 Aug 2024

Tackling truancy head on

From Nine To Noon, 9:35 am on 12 August 2024
Barefoot boy playing football on a wet sports court.

Photo: Will Rodrigues/123RF

A Taupo youth programme is having results with young people, helping them to be more engaged in school and their community.

Data for term three last year found only 46 percent of school pupils attended class regularly - one of the worst figures on record.

As part of a Government crackdown on rampant truancy, schools will have to report daily attendance figures by term one next year, currently it is voluntary.

John Dolan is the leader of the Youthhub programme with Youthtown Taupo.

Part of the mahi is working with young people having issues at school and helping them to engage in learning and extra curricular activities.

He tells Bryan Crump how its going.