13 Aug 2024

Lauren Fuge on the human need to explore

From Nine To Noon, 10:05 am on 13 August 2024
Lauren Fuge's book Voyagers looks at the human desire to explore, while warning of a climate catastrophe.

Photo: Supplied by Text Publishing

Science writer Lauren Fuge's new book is a call to action on climate change.

She says the Anthropocene - the epoch of human beings on earth - is hurtling towards an ecological deadline.

And people need to face up to not just cutting out fossil fuels - but we also must address colonial violence, corporate greed and worker oppression.

Her book Voyagers: Our journey into the Anthropocene looks not only at her own travels - but of some of the most famous travellers like Tupaia and Cook - as it seeks to answer why we explore, and how that fits with an unsafe future.

Lauren is doing her PhD looking at creative forms of climate communication.

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