21 Oct 2024

Controversial waste-to-energy scheme on the fast-track list

From Nine To Noon, 9:25 am on 21 October 2024
Protest in Waimate over planned waste to energy plant to be built in the South Canterbury town with ash to be shipped back to Christchurch.

Photo: Supplied / Barry Marshall

Opponents of a Waimate waste-to-energy project are worried it won't get proper scrutiny as the company behind it seeks consent through fast-track legislation.

South Island Resource Recovery, a joint venture between a Chinese and a New Zealand company, plans to build a plant that will burn 365,000 tonnes of solid municipal and construction waste into steam, water and electricity.

It will be done at a 15 hectare Waimate site the company received permission from the Overseas Investment Office to buy earlier this year. It is now one of the Government's chosen 149 projects to go into the Fast Track Approvals Bill this month.

Once the bill is passed, the company behind it will be able to apply to the Environmental Protection Authority where an expert panel will assess the project.

The prospect of trucking 20 per cent of the South Island's waste to the town of Waimate has drawn protests from some locals and environmental groups.

Why Waste Waimate spokesperson Robert Ireland and South Island Resource Recovery director Paul Taylor speak to Kathryn.