Left: Garth with his medal for finishing. Right: With friend Lay and daughter Kiri. Photo: Supplied: Kiri Barfoot
It defeated him in 2023 - but octogenarian Garth Barfoot was determined to finish this year's New York marathon.
At 88, the former real estate agent has quite the track record: he's competed in triathlons for more than 30 years - he's also Patron of Triathlon New Zealand and a life member of the North Harbour Triathlon Club.
He was the oldest competitor on Monday, New Zealand time...running the race with his daughter Kiri and a running friend Lay Cunningham - herself 73 with 52 marathons under her belt.
He finished in 11 hours, 29 minutes and 49 seconds. He joins Kathryn to explain what he did differently this year.