9:20 am today

Deck the halls: Aged care residents record a Christmas album

From Nine To Noon, 9:20 am today
The guitarist who plays on The Selwyn Foundation Christmas Album corrected the chords he was given by music therapist Sam Scott.

The guitarist who plays on The Selwyn Foundation Christmas Album corrected the chords he was given by music therapist Sam Scott. Photo: Raukatauri Music Therapy Trust

The power of music has been demonstrated in a special Christmas project involving residents at two aged care facilities in Auckland.

Music therapists from the Raukatauri Music Therapy Trust have worked with the residents to create a Christmas album. Sam Scott and Luke Stothart from the Raukatauri Music Therapy Trust join Kathryn Ryan.

Aged care residents recorded the Christmas album

Aged care residents recorded the Christmas album Photo: Raukatauri Music Therapy Trust

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