Chief Commercial Officer Steve Boggs, Chief Scientific Officer Dr. Mehrnoush (Maya) Tangestani and Chief Executive Officer Mark Balchin. Photo: Mara Bio
A Hawke's Bay biotech company is using cutting edge technology to turn waste from the dairy industry into high value protein.
Start-up Mara Bio uses fungal fermentation and microorganisms to upcycle what is usually destined for landfill - thus reducing waste and emissions and generating new revenue streams for dairy producers.
The resulting protein can be added to range of food products, from oat milk ice cream to protein-enriched pasta, and protein bars and shakes.
Mara Bio has won the start-up the top award at Australia's Agriventures evokeAG conference, and its now working to bring the product to market.
Mark Balchin is one of the brains behind Mara Bio.