5 Nov 2013

Feature Guest - Karpal Singh

From Nine To Noon, 10:10 am on 5 November 2013

Karpal Singh is regarded as Malaysia's top constitutional and criminal lawyer, and over four decades in the profession has been involved in most of the country's highest profile cases, including his defence of then-Deputy Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim on sodomy charges. Karpal has also worked most of his adult life as a Member of Parliament and human rights advocate, which has led to numerous attempts by the country's rulers to persecute him, including under Malaysia's sedition laws. Despite a near-fatal car crash in 2005, which means he now uses a wheelchair, Karpal - now 73 - is still a politician, lawyer, and once again fighting sedition charges. A new biography, written by Wellington journalist Tim Donoghue, is out now.

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