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Not your usual fossil hunter Professor Lee Berger
Friday 6th April
Professor Lee Berger at the Rising Star cave (above ground)
The Rising Star cave (above ground)
A diagram of the Rising Star cave system in South Africa.
Professor Lee Berger with a skull of 'Homo naledi'
Professor Lee Berger holding up a Homo naledi skull at a press conference in Maropeng, South Africa.
A reconstruction of a Homo naledi face, from the March 2015 National Geographic.
Professor Lee Berger and the skull and hand of Australopithecus sediba. Photo by Brett Eloff, courtesy of Lee R. Berger and the University of the Witwatersrand
Professor Lee Berger and Job Kibii moments after Berger discovered Malapa Hominin 2, the adult female Paratype of Australopithecus sediba. Photo courtesy Lee Berger and the University of the Witwatersrand.
Malapa Hominin 2 (MH2) right. Image compiled by Peter Schmid courtesy of Lee R. Berger, University of the Witwatersrand.
The endocast of the MH1 hominin (in green). Image created by Kristian Carlson, courtesy Lee R. Berger and the University of the Witwatersrand.
Reconstruction of the MH1 skull, Australopithecus sediba. Reconstruction by Kristian Carlson, courtsey of Lee R. Berger and the University of the Witwatersrand.
Pelvis MH2 Australopithecus sediba
Australopithecus sediba and Lucy
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