Navigation for Nine To Noon
Kennedy Warne Hunting for Gems
Kennedy Warne hunts for hidden Gems near Hunterville
Grassy track to Bruce Park scenic reserve follows old route of State Highway 1
Bilingual DOC signage
Lofty podocarps are a feature of the reserve trunks -- Kahikatea, matai and rimu are all present
Kahikatea, matai and rimu are all present
Rippling rimu bark
Ferns growing on matai
The forest floor
Moss-coated supplejack vines twine in profusion
Memorial honours Robert Bruce, at whose behest the 30 ha reserve was given to the nation
Location of Anataonga Cave as given on topographical map
View of Jackson Bay / Okahu
Track to Smoothwater Bay
Bed of Smoothwater River
Smoothwater Bay
Weathered rock at Smoothwater Bay
Homemade archery bows at campsite near Smoothwater Bay
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