Abel Tasman National Park is New Zealand's smallest national park, but it has the largest number of visitors, 250 thousand people annually. Ecologist Philip Simpson was born and raised right beside the wilderness reserve. The park's flora and fauna has always fascinated him, and he writes of this and much more in his new book - Down the Bay - A natural & cultural history of Abel Tasman National Park.
The northern part of the park is managed as a place for simplicity and quiet. alamy.com
Cottage Loaf Rock is a perfect example of granite weathering by flaking off layers as the surface is softened by sun, salt and wind. alamy.com
Sea kayaks below the swingbridge on the Falls River. alamy.com
In the upper Ironstone Creek there is a small crack in the emergent marble where moa bones lie. The narrow passage leads to this breathtaking cavern carved by the main creek, the cascading water flowing to the Takaka River and the aquifer beneath that leads all the way to the Waikoropupū Springs. credit Neil Silverwood
Interior silver beech forest (Upper Wainui) with multiple ages growing after scattered windthrow, and a dense understorey of mainly young beech, small-leaved Coprosma spp and Cyathea colensoi. credit Philip Simpson
The South Island robin (Petroica australis australis), or toutouwai, renowned for its large dark eyes, will check you out when you enter its territory along the tracks of the interior. It is no longer in the lowlands, owing to predation. credit Philip Simpson
One of New Zealand's most remarkable plants is the 'ghost' orchid Corybas cryptanthus, which flowers underground, buried in forest litter with only the spider arms (tubular sepals and petals) protruding. Found on Coast Track, Tōtaranui. credit Philip Simpson
This is New Zealand's tallest moss, Dawsonia superba, pāhau-kākāpō (a reference to its 'whiskers'), although it is uncommon in the park, and usually smaller than elsewhere in the wet South Island bush. credit Philip Simpson
The beach at Anchorage, with Tasman Bay beyond. credit David Buckton
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