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Waka chocka full of beans
A craft chocolate maker has big ideas for cocoa farms in the Pacific including shipping their produce in an environmentally friendly fashion. To prove it can be done, the Wellington Chocolate Factory has sailed one tonne of Bougainville cocoa beans on a wind and solar powered waka.
The tiller of the 20 metre long Uto ni Yalo which voyaged for three months from Fiji, to Vanuatu, Bougainville, Solomon Islands and finally New Zealand. Photo RNZ Koroi Hawkins.
Gabe Davidson says the voyage was never meant to be financially viable but instead set an example to other businesses of sustainable shipping. Pictured, Gabe Davidson and Rochelle Harrison. Photo RNZ Koroi Hawkins.
The Uto ni Yalo in Wellington Harbour. Photo RNZ Koroi Hawkins.
Many kava sessions were held as part of the negotiations to use the Uto ni Yalo and throughout the trip. This bowl will be used later on in the evening. Photo RNZ Koroi Hawkins.
Solar panels provide all the Uto ni Yalo electricity. Photo RNZ Koroi Hawkins.
The Uto ni Yalo skipper Angelo Smith has almost spent more of the last five years on the waka than on dry land. Photo RNZ Koroi Hawkins
Carvings adorn the Uto ni Yalo with turtles featuring prominently. Photo RNZ Koroi Hawkins.
Crew and volunteers shift the heavy sacks with ease. Photo RNZ Koroi Hawkins.
Thirty kilogram sacks of beans are passed off the waka to delivery bicycles below. Photo RNZ Koroi Hawkins.
Each sack contains cocoa beans from James Rutana's Bougainville cocoa farm. Photo RNZ Koroi Hawkins.
The precious cargo was top priority for the crew who sometimes stored it under bunks to keep it dry while at sea. Photo RNZ Koroi Hawkins.
Bikes are used for the final leg of the journey to ensure no fuel was used to bring the beans to Wellington. Photo RNZ Koroi Hawkins.
Rochelle Harrison catches a ride with the beans from the waterfront to the Wellington Chocolate Factory. Photo RNZ Koroi Hawkins.
The Wellington Chocolate Factory on Eva Street. Photo RNZ Daniela Maoate-Cox.
Most of the beans will be used to create bars for the trip's financial backers who funded the journey through Kickstarter. Photo RNZ Koroi Hawkins.
A sample of chocolate made from the Bougainville cocoa beans. Photo RNZ Koroi Hawkins.
Co-founder Rochelle Harrison shoulders a sack of beans. Photo RNZ Koroi Hawkins.
One of the Uto ni Yalo crew William hands out kava to guests at the Wellington Chocolate Factory. Photo RNZ Koroi Hawkins.
Supporters of the trip celebrate the arrival of the Uto ni Yalo at The Wellington Chocolate Factory. Photo RNZ Koroi Hawkins.
The job isn't over yet. Gabe Davidson whips up some hot drinks at the Wellington Chocolate Factory. Photo RNZ Koroi Hawkins.
The Wellington Chocolate Factory is a bean to bar operation they know the farmers roast their own beans and wrap the bars. Photo RNZ Koroi Hawkins.
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