22 Feb 2019

NZ Live: Tiny Ruins

From NZ Live, 2:27 pm on 22 February 2019

Kiwi band Tiny Ruins waited a long time to release their new album Olympic Girls so the band's excitement level was high, says singer Hollie Fullbrook.

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Photo: supplied

Olympic Girls is less folky and more indie pop than the band's previous releases and each member expresses their musical personality a bit more, she tells Jesse Mulligan.

Throsby's beloved bandmates are Tom Healy (who also produced Olympic Girls), Cass Basil and Alex Freer.

"I'm taking them wherever I can. They're an amazing band. I'm very lucky to have these three."

'Olympic Girls' comes from a line in the album's title track and seemed to fit because there are a few female characters throughout, Throsby says.

Tiny Ruins played four tracks from Olympic Girls:

  • Holograms
  • One Million Flowers
  • Sparklers
  • Bounty

Find details of their upcoming shows in Wellington (10 March) and Auckland (16 March) here.

Tiny Ruins

Tiny Ruins Photo: Supplied


  •    Tiny Ruins on NZ Live in 2017
  •   Tiny Ruins on NZ Live in 2015
  • Watch:

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