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Our Changing World for Thursday 6 June 2019
Our Changing World for 6 June 2019
9:05 PM.The NZ Bird Atlas is launched, a successful effort to create a new fluttering shearwater colony, Fiordland's tawaki penguins go for record-breaking long swims, and the chemical element gallium. Audio
Rifleman to royal albatross - a bird atlas for NZ
9:06 PM.The NZ bird atlas will be a 5-year project counting common & rare birds from the Kermadecs to the far south. Read more Audio
Successful new seabird colony on Matiu Somes Island
9:07 PM.Eight years ago volunteers began translocating fluttering shearwater chicks to Wellington's Matiu Somes Island to establish what is now a growing seabird colony. Read more Audio
Tawaki bust penguin swimming records
9:08 PM.Twice a year tawaki or Fiordland crested penguins make migrations of many thousands of kilometres to the south to feed at the Polar Front. Read more Audio
Gold - a most desirable noble metal
8:00 AM.Gold is highly valued for its colour as well as for being malleable and ductile, and as a noble metal it is unreactive and doesn't rust, says Allan Blackman from AUT in ep 32 of Elemental. Read more Audio