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Our Changing World for Thursday 28 November 2019
Our Changing World for 28 November 2019
9:05 PM.Sediment cores from the Lakes380 project, which is building a 1000-year history for 10 percent of New Zealand's lakes, are housed at GNS's National Isotope Centre. Audio
A spotlight on NZ lakes - Lakes380 part 2
9:06 PM.380 New Zealand lakes are in the spotlight, and Marcus Vandergoes from GNS Science explains what happens to the thousands of sediment cores that will reveal a 1000-year history for each lake. Read more Audio
Thulium - the most laborious of the lanthanoids
8:00 AM.Isolating the element thulium was a truly laborious process that took many years, says Prof Allan Blackman from AUT in ep 86 of Elemental. Read more Audio
Tin - from whistles to organ pipes & anti-fouling paint
8:00 AM.The element tin turns up in all sorts of alloys, but tin cans are - mostly - not made from tin, says Prof Allan Blackman from AUT, in ep 87 of Elemental. Read more Audio
Titanium - light, strong & quite pretty
8:00 AM.Titanium is light, strong, corrosion resistant & is used to repair broken limbs as it is able to get integrated into the bone, says Allan Blackman from AUT speaking from personal experience in ep 88… Read more Audio