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Bird Conservation Projects
Breaking down bird song
15 Jul 2021On this week's Our Changing World – how songbirds learn their song, and how researchers in the Southern Hemisphere are trying to correct a long-standing male bias in the songbird world. Audio
More seabirds for Mana Island
18 Mar 2021The story of a seabird translocation to Mana Island, involving fluffy white-faced storm petrel chicks, artificial burrows and sardine smoothies. Audio
What bird is that?
10 Sep 2020An ecologist and a mathematician discover that teaching a computer to recognise bird calls from acoustic recorders is an interesting challenge. Audio
Restoring Fiordland's 'island lifeboats'
25 Jul 2019The Department of Conservation and volunteer groups, including the Coal Island Trust, are hard at work removing pests such as stoats and deer from Fiordland's many islands. Audio
Rifleman to royal albatross - a bird atlas for NZ
6 Jun 2019The NZ bird atlas will be a 5-year project counting common & rare birds from the Kermadecs to the far south. Audio
Place names tell a story about lost species
6 Dec 2018Place names turn out to be a good record of where plants and animals once occurred and where they have been lost. Audio
Winner and losers - native birds in a pest-free sanctuary
20 Sep 2018Twenty-five years of bird counts have revealed an unexpected consequence to the creation of the predator-free Zealandia Sanctuary. Audio
Native birds doing well in Wellington
5 Jul 2018A renaissance in native forest bird numbers in the capital is helped by urban bush and Predator Free Wellington efforts. Audio
Chemical camouflage - putting predators off the scent
1 Feb 2018Could chemical camouflage save rare birds by putting predators off the scent? Ecologists are testing the idea in the Mackenzie Basin. Video, Audio
Southern island sanctuary for rare birds
29 Jun 2017Putauhinu, one of the southern Tītī Islands, has become a remarkable rat-free sanctuary, gifting rare land birds to other islands. Video, Audio, Gallery
A genetic helping hand for conservation
20 Jul 2017Four scientists talk about genetics and how it can help in the conservation of rare birds such as little spotted kiwi. Audio
Predator-free in the city
9 Feb 2017Wellington's Polhill Restoration Project volunteers are looking after rare birds such as nesting kaka and tieke that are spilling into the 'halo' around Zealandia Sanctuary. Video, Audio, Gallery
Solving the penguin housing crisis - one home at a time
25 Aug 2016Conservation groups are replanting native vegetation around Wellington's Miramar Peninsula to provide safe homes for little blue penguins and food for other native birds. Audio, Gallery
Community conservation on the Kapiti Coast
15 Sep 2016Residents on the Kapiti coast north of Wellington are working together to improve biodiversity and create thriving ecosystems in their local neighbourhoods. Audio, Gallery
The garden bird survey turns 10
23 Jun 2016More than a million birds have been counted in the last nine years of the garden bird survey, and sparrows and silvereyes consistently top the rankings. Audio
Birds, feather colour – and sex
26 May 2016Why are some male birds brighter and showier than females of the same species, and sometimes both are bright? Sexual selection, size and living in the tropics are all part of the answer. Audio
Goodie goodie - bird watching with Bill Oddie
19 May 2016Use your ears and spend time on your own just listening and observing birds - good advice from one of the world's best known bird-watchers and ex-Goodie, Bill Oddie. Audio
Dunnocks - and what bird sperm can tell us
31 Mar 2016Bird sperm from native species such as robins, as well as introduced dunnocks from Dunedin, may shed light on problems with male fertility and infertile eggs. Video, Audio, Gallery
Citizen science: giving ruru a helping hand
21 Jan 2016The ruru, or morepork, is our only surviving native owl and locals living on Banks Peninsula are giving them a helping hand by providing luxury accommodation. Audio
Wildbase - a hospital dedicated to native wildlife
24 Sep 2015At Wildbase, New Zealand's only dedicated wildlife hospital, vets treat more than 300 native animals each year as well as doing research on conservation issues. Audio
Orokonui - Dunedin's Ecosanctuary
14 May 2015The vision of the Orokonui Ecosanctuary is to recreate Otago coastal forest to the way it was before humans arrived in New Zealand Audio
Oil off a duck's back
24 Sep 2015It takes 400 litres of freshwater to clean a seabird that has been covered in oil, but new research using ducks shows that seawater is a viable alternative Audio
Sound Recordist Les McPherson
25 Dec 2014Les McPherson began recording bird calls in 1969, and set out to create a sound archive of every New Zealand bird Audio
Bird Photographer David Hallett
25 Dec 2014Christchurch photographer David Hallett has a passion for taking photos of New Zealand birds, and says he takes some of his best images in his back garden and local neighbourhood Audio
One Man's Vision: Glenfern Sanctuary on Great Barrier Island
12 Mar 2015Glenfern Sanctuary is the vision of the late Tony Bouzaid to restore the forest and wetlands of Great Barrier Island, and inspire other people to become involved in conservation Audio
Kiwi-safe Dogs
29 Jan 2015Project Kiwi Trust on the Coromandel Peninsula runs kiwi-avoidance courses for dogs and their owners Audio
Feed the Birds
2 Apr 2015If you want to attract native birds to your garden, putting out bread may not be the right thing to do. Audio
The 'Bird Rescue Lady' of Great Barrier Island
9 Apr 2015Great Barrier Island's Karen Walker looks after sick, injured and orphaned birds, such as banded rails, black petrels and pateke Audio
Analysing Seabird By-Catch in Fisheries
1 Aug 2013Dragonfly Science analyse seabird and marine mammal by-catch data collected by observers on fishing vessels Audio
Conservation on Braided Rivers
20 Feb 2014The Ashley-Rakahuri Rivercare group is a community effort to look after breeding birds on a North Canterbury braided river. Audio
Yellow-eyed Penguin Trust
6 Nov 2014Over the last 25 years the yellow-eyed penguin population on mainland New Zealand has seen some dramatic declines Audio
Threatened Bird List
4 Jun 2009DOC's Colin Miskelly and Graeme Taylor explain the latest update on New Zealand's threatened birds. Audio
John Kendrick and his Radio Bird Calls
10 Sep 2009John Kendrick, the wildlife sound recordist behind the Morning Report bird calls, talks about them and his life Audio
Sweetwater Covenant, Chatham Island
27 May 2010The Chatham Islands boast many private conservation covenants - and one even has a predator proof fence Audio
Whio and Predator Trapping in Arthur's Pass
23 Jan 2014The Arthur's Pass Wildlife Trust's predator trapping is really helping the local whio, or blue duck, population. Audio
Great Spotted Kiwi at Arthur's Pass
30 Jan 2014Stoat trapping by the Arthur's Pass Wildlife Trust is good news for a thriving population of great spotted kiwi. Audio
Maungatautari Ecological Island
30 Jun 2011A 47-kilometre long predator-proof fence is the key to making Maunagtautari mainland island a safe home for rare forest birds Audio
Wellington Harbour Bird Survey
7 Oct 2010The Ornithological Society is completing the latest 2-year survey, building a 35 year picture of trends in species and numbers Audio
Ulva Island's Second Rat Eradication
31 May 2012Norway rats have just been eradicated from Stewart Island's Ulva Island for the second time, to keep its rich birdlife safe Audio
A Family Birding Trip for Conservation Week
12 Sep 2013The Hobden-Smith family are keen on conservation, and have a large collection of New Zealand native bird toys Audio
Tiritiri Matangi Island: Return Of The Forest
Tiritiri Matangi Island is an open sanctuary, which has been revegetated and is now home to rare species of wildlife. Audio
Some of the birds that feature in these stories
More About Birds on Radio New Zealand
Ngā Manu
Listen to all of the bird calls from Morning Report. -
Birdwatching on This Way Up
Finding out about New Zealand's birds with birdwatcher Hugh Robertson. -
The Secret Life of Bird Calls
The first songs that echoed across this land came from birds.