All episodes
Thursday, 23 March 2017
- 9:04 Tracking kākāpō the smart way
- 9:05 Prime Minister's Science Communication Prize 2016 - Rebecca Priestley
- 9:06 Prime Minister's Science Prize 2016 - the Dunedin Study
Thursday, 26 January 2017
- 9:06 Quantum mechanics - do deep-sea bacteria do it?
- 9:07 Winners or losers? Antarctic starfish and climate change
Tuesday, 17 January 2017
- 9:06 Survivors - New Zealand's tiny native frogs
- 7:06 Pharmac and its role in making drugs available
Monday, 16 January 2017
- 9:06 CarpN Neutral - doing good things with bad koi carp
- 7:06 Museums and their role in modern society