Saturday Morning for Saturday 10 January 2009
Repeats of some of our favourite interviews from 2008.
These are also available on our podcast feed, along with a surprise selection of others. To receive extra podcast interviews Sunday through Friday from 28 December 2008 to 23 January 2009, click on the Downloads and Podcasts link at the bottom right-hand side of this page, and follow the instructions to subscribe to our podcast feed.
Remember that all Kim's interviews from 2008 are available as audio-on-demand. Click on the Older Programmes link in the Saturday Morning Audio Archive box at left, to find the ones you are looking for.
On the Saturdays from 27 December 2008 to 24 January 2009, between 10:00am and midday, Radio New Zealand National will be broadcasting episodes of A Prairie Home Companion.
We look forward to resuming our normal programming on Saturday 31 January 2009.
Saturday Morning Summer Selections for 10 January 2009
8:12 Jim Lindner: saving magnetic memories
Authority on the preservation and migration of magnetic media.
First broadcast on 21 June 2008
8.30 Christian Bok: post-modern poetry
Canadian critic, sculptor and performance poet, whose innovative and experimental work has reached best-selling status in his homeland.
First broadcast on 15 March 2008
9:05 Chris Brickell: NZ's gay male history
Lecturer in gender studies, and author of Mates & Lovers, the first New Zealand gay male history.
First broadcast on 21 June 2008
9:40 Mani Mitchell: being intersex
Counsel for the Intersex Trust of Aotearoa New Zealand, profiled in the exhibition Assume Nothing at TheNewDowse.
First broadcast on 3 May 2008
Music played during the programme
Jens Lekman: And I Remember Every Kiss
From the 2008 album: Night Falls Over Kortedala
(Secretly Canadian)
David Byrne & Brian Eno: Strange Overtones
From the 2008 album: Everything That Happens Will Happen Today