Guest details for Saturday Morning 12 November 2011


8:15 Raf Manji

Raf Manji studied economics and finance at Manchester University and traded the global financial markets on behalf of investment banks in London for 11 years. He moved to Christchurch in 2002, works as a social entrepreneur and is the founder of the independent policy development space, The Sustento Institute.


8:30 Jack Ralston

Jack Ralston has directed national and international events in a wide variety of sports, and has trained world champions to Olympic, Commonwealth Games and world championship level. He led the creation of Nike Sports Entertainment, working with Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods and Carl Lewis, and with the NZ Rugby Union as Director of People, ensuring players have a well-balanced lifestyle and life skills during and after their playing career. Jack is currently director of his own sports marketing company and the CEO of Gymnastics NZ. His memoir, The Sports Insider: a Life Among Champions (Allen & Unwin, ISBN: 978-1-87750-510-2), was written with Steve Kilgallon.


9:05 Richard Gough

Professor Richard Gough has dedicated the last 30 years to exploring experimental performance work. He is the Artistic Director of the Centre for Performance Research in Aberystwyth, Wales, was founding president of Performance Studies International, and was the 2011 Canterbury Fellow at Te Puna Toi, which is celebrating its ten-year anniversary as the research wing of the Theatre and Film Studies Department at the University of Canterbury.While in Christchurch, he collaborated with the Free Theatre company on a production of The Earthquake in Chile.


10:05 Playing Favourites with David Kleeman

David Kleeman is President of the American Center for Children and Media, Advisory Board Chair to the international children's television festival Prix Jeunesse, and has undertaken a major study on children and public service media in the digital age. He was a guest speaker at the 19th annual conference of SPADA in Auckland (10-11 November), and will be a guest speaker at a public discussion on children’s television at the NZ Film Archive in Wellington (16 November).


11:05 Peter Graham

Peter Graham worked for 30 years in Hong Kong as a barrister before returning to New Zealand to write about crime. His latest book is So Brilliantly Clever: Parker, Hulme and the Murder that Shocked the World (Awa Press, ISBN: 978-1-877551-12-3).


11:40 Jay O'Callahan

Jay O'Callahan is an internationally renowned storyteller and solo performer. He is visiting New Zealand for the inaugural ScienceTeller Festival in Dunedin, a celebration of storytelling and science dedicated to documentary filmmaking, writing and other creative media (15-19 November). Jay will lead a workshop, present a SciTed talk, and perform the NASA-commissioned piece Forged in the Stars.


Music played during the programme

Playing Favourites with David Kleeman

Bill Harley: Big Big World
From the 1996 album: Big Big World
(Round River)
Played at around 10:25

Priscilla Herdman: Waltzing with Bears
From the 2005 album: Stardreamer: Nightsongs & Lullabies
(Stardreamer Music)
Played at around 10:45

Original Cast: Nine People's Favorite Thing
From the 2006  cast recording of the off-Broadway musical:  [Title of Show]
(Ghostlight Records)
Played at around 10:55

Studio operators

Wellington engineer: Lianne Smith
Auckland engineer: Jeremy Ansell
Christchurch engineer: Andrew Collins