This Saturday Morning: Kim starts the morning in conversation with acclaimed Indian author Arundhati Roy - about her new collection of essays, and rising nationalism in India; Susan Murray, who produced and presented Country Life at RNZ, has just left the show after 21 years; Pieter Ten Hoopen, a Dutch-born, Sweden-based photographer has been a photojournalist in hot spots around the world - his work on the migrant caravan wending its way up the Americas has won awards; actor Julian Arahanga, perhaps best known for his role on Once Were Warriors, is now a very prolific film and TV director and producer - he plays some of his favourite tunes for Kim; another film director, perhaps one of the world's most famous, Francis Ford Coppola, talks about Apocalypse Now: Final Cut which will soon be screening at the NZ International Film Festival; and finally Kate Camp talks about a very famous book that's just made it onto the screen - James Baldwin's If Beale Street Could Talk.



0810   Arundhati Roy - Acclaimed writer releases collected essays: My Seditious Heart

Indian author Arundhati Roy catapulted to fame with her debut novel A God of Small Things which won the 1997 Booker Prize.

Since then she has published more than 18 books including Booker-longlisted second novel The Ministry of Utmost Happiness (2017) and major works of non-fiction such as Field Notes on Democracy: Listening to Grasshoppers, Capitalism: A Ghost Story, The End of Imagination and, now, My Seditious Heart, an upcoming single volume collection of her political essay writing over 20 years.  

Roy will be in New Zealand in July as part of a special event connected to this year's Auckland Writers Festival, details here.  Ms Roy is also a keynote speaker at the Association of Commonwealth Language and Literature Studies Conference, hosted by The University of Auckland 15-19 July. 

Arundhati Roy

Arundhati Roy Photo: Mayaank Austen Soofi


0905    Susan Murray - Leaving Country Life to return to the country life 

Susan Murray

Susan Murray Photo: RNZ

Hamilton-based Susan Murray has just retired after 21 years of co-hosting RNZ show Country Life 

She recently won the 2019 Ravensdown Agricultural Communicator of the year award at the Mystery Creek Fieldays.

Susan says she accidentally started her radio career splicing tapes and timing commercials with an after-school job at King Country Radio in Taumarunui.

Since then, radio news reporting or feature programme-making has been her main interest. She is shepherd to 20 ewes, one young ram lamb and one old ewe at Sheep Heaven, a lifestyle block at Ngahinapouri in Waikato. 

0925 Pieter Ten Hoopen - Swedish photographer wins plaudits for Migrant Caravan

Pieter Ten Hoopen

Pieter Ten Hoopen Photo: © Pieter Ten Hoopen

Pieter Ten Hoopen is an internationally acclaimed photographer and filmmaker.

His work has featured in the New Yorker, New York Times Magazine and Le Monde.

Ten Hoopen won the Spot News Stories category in this year's World Press Photo Contest with his photo story called The Migrant Caravan which documents the heart wrenching journey of migrants from Nicaragua, El Salvador and Guatemala fleeing from the political repression, violence and harsh economic conditions of their countries for a hope of a better life in America.  

The World Press Photo Exhibition is coming to New Zealand shortly, details here. 


The Migrant Caravan: Pieter Ten Hoopen


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1005   Playing Favourites with Julian Arahanga - From Once Were Warriors to Colonial Combat 

Julian Arahanga grew up in small town Raetihi. He's the half brother of actor Tammy Davis and the son of Sleeping Dogs producer Larry Parr.

As an actor Arahanga is best known for playing Nig Heke in the iconic New Zealand film Once were Warriors which was released 25 years ago. He also starred as Apoc in the action-sci fi movie The Matrix.

Under the umbrella of his production company AWA films he directed the acclaimed documentary series Songs from the Inside. Current projects include Colonial Combat, a WWF wrestling inspired comedy drama set in 1840 and Blue Smoke a documentary about Pixie Williams, the singer of the iconic kiwi song.

Julian Arahanga

Julian Arahanga Photo: supplied / Vanessa Patea:Useful Media


1105  Francis Ford Coppola - Apocalypse Now: Final Cut

Francis Ford Coppola

Francis Ford Coppola Photo: Wikicommons

Francis Ford Coppola is one of Hollywood's pre-eminent directors, producers and screenwriters.

His first directorial success was Finian's Rainbow in 1968, and he was propelled to the top tier of directors with The Godfather in 1972, which was based on the novel by Mario Puzo.

Coppola was given his first nomination for Best Director because of the movie, and it also won Best Picture. The sequel, The Godfather Part II (1974) was equally well received. 

In 1979, Coppola produced another masterpiece, the Vietnam War drama Apocalypse Now, starring Martin Sheen and Marlon Brando and based on Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness

A 'Final Cut' of the movie, considered one of the greatest ever made, has been released in time for its 40th anniversary, and will play at the upcoming New Zealand International Film Festival, details here.

Screenshot of Apocalypse Now

Screenshot of Apocalypse Now Photo: NZIFF

1140   Kate Camp - Kate's Klassics: James Baldwin's If Beale Street Could Talk

Author and reviewer Kate Camp talks about James Baldwin's If Beale Street Could Talk, the story of young black couple in Harlem in the 1970s whose lives are torn apart by a false criminal accusation. The book was made into a movie late last year. 

Kate Camp is the author of six collections of poetry published by Victoria University Press, the most recent of which is The internet of things (2017). She's won the New Zealand Book Award for The Mirror of Simple Annihilated Souls, and the Best First Book Award for Unfamiliar Legends of the Stars. Camp held the Creative New Zealand Berlin writers residency in 2011, and the Katherine Mansfield Menton fellowship in 2017.

No caption

Photo: Supplied


Books mentioned in this episode:


My Seditious Heart

by Arundhati Roy 

ISBN: 9780241366516



If Beale Street Could Talk

by James Baldwin

ISBN13: 9780307275936


Music played in this show

Artist::Bill Callahan
Song: Morning Is My Godmother
Played at: 8:12

Artist: Aldous Harding
Song:  The Barrel
Played at: 8:52

Artist: Maisey Rika
Song: What I am
Played at: 10:18

Artist: Pixie Williams
Song: Aint it a shame
Played at: 10:30

Artist:Trinity Roots
Song: Little Things
Played at 10:49

Song: Ride Of The Valkyries
Played at: 11:05

Artist: Bruce Springsteen
Song: The Wayfarer
Played at: 11:32

Artist: The Clash
Song: Charlie Don't Surf
Played at:11:55