Saturday Morning for Saturday 13 July 2024
Saturday Morning is presented this week by Bryan Crump
8:10 Helping the brain drain
The developer of the world's smallest brain implant, Kitea Health, says it not only alerts parents when pressure is building in their child's brain, but will take the pressure off families living in constant fear of a serious medical event.
Clinical trials have started in 20 people with hydrocephalus in Auckland.
Kitea Health CEO Dr Simon Malpas tells Bryan Crump typically hydrocephalus is treated by inserting a shunt in the brain - which can block.
The new Kitea Health brain chip is inserted at the same time as a shunt, can be monitored at home and will detect changes in brain pressure before symptoms, caused by blockages, appear.
Dr Malpas is joined by a family taking part in the trial.
8:40 Chasing the All Blacks - Shaun Wallace
Photo: supplied
The Dark Destroyer has been quizzing his way around New Zealand raising money for charity as he goes.
He's also managed to squeeze in a couple of All Blacks games.
The star of the Chase, Shaun Wallace, joins Bryan Crump to answer some gnarly questions, talk about rugby, what draws him back to NZ and what it's like to be a celebrity quizzer.
9:05 Prof Josephine Quinn: How the world made the West
Photo: Fran Monks
In her new book, How the World Made the West, historian and archaeologist Josephine Quinn shakes the foundation of familiar ideas. Her target? Western Civilisation.
Professor Quinn, who teaches ancient history at the University of Oxford, argues that the established paradigm of the 'West' being built on the ideas and values of Ancient Greece and Rome isn't quite true. Challenging what she calls 'civilisational thinking', Quinn centres her spotlight on traders and travellers across 4000 years of predominantly European history - positing there is no culture without contact.
9:40 Kate De Goldi: Reading for pleasure
Photo: supplied
Kate De Goldi is one of New Zealand's most celebrated authors, an Arts Foundation Laureate, and a voracious reader. She joins Bryan to share three books she's loved; Kids Run the Show by Delphine de Vigan, Cultish; the Language of Fanaticism by Amanda Montell; and The God of the Woods by Liz Moore.
10:05 Prof Ian Hickie: busting the myths around depression
Photo: Penguin/University of Sydney
Professor Ian Hickie is a psychiatrist and co-director of health and policy at the University of Sydney's Brain and Mind Centre. As one of Australia's leading authorities on mental health, Professor Hickie says that disinformation can risk putting people with clinical depression off using potentially successful treatments. One of the most damaging myths: that antidepressants don't work.
In his latest book The Devil You Knew, Hickie tackles these harmful myths and explores the spectre of depression and the myriad influences - such as environmental, physiological, social - to guide readers towards the correct diagnosis and offer pathways to healing.
10:40 Good Dogs - and how you can have one
Helen and Gavin Cook Photo: Jodie Piggott
Gavin and Helen Cook gave up their day jobs to run the Country Retreat Animal Sanctuary. They star in the TV show The Dog House NZ which matches families with rescue dogs. The couple is brimming with advice on how to give a dog a good life; whether it's a rescue, a puppy or an older dog. Their book, Good Dogs has tips on how to decide whether a dog is right for you, keeping it healthy and happy and helping it adjust to a new life.
11:05 Playing favourites: Grant Robertson
Photo: Graham Warman
Hon. Grant Robertson joins Bryan Crump to share some of his favourite tunes. Grant was NZ's Minister of Finance from 2017 to 2023, he's a former deputy Prime Minister and was Labour MP for Wellington Central for 15 years. Earlier this month he became the Vice Chancellor at his alma mater, the University of Otago. Grant's a fan of rugby, New Zealand literature and music. He's also managed a few bands.
Books featured on today's show:
How the World Made the West: A 4,000-Year History
By Josephine Quinn
Published by Bloomsbury
ISBN: 9781526605184
Good Dogs
By Helen and Gavin Cook
Published by Aotearoa Books
ISBN: 9781991006660
The Devil You Knew
By Ian Hickey
ISBN: 9781761042744
Published by Penguin
Kids Run the Show
By Delphine de Vigan
Published by Europa
Cultish; the Language of Fanaticism
By Amanda Montell
Published by Harper Wave
The God of the Woods
By Liz Moore
Published by Riverhead
Music played in this show
Song: Man in the Corner Shop
Artist: The Jam
Time played: 8:40
Song: The Crystal Glasses
Artist: Ungklang
Time played: 10.05
Song: Slow Sad Love Song
Artist: The Verlaines
Time played: 10:40
Grant Robertson Playing Favourites
Song: Tally Ho
Artist: The Clean
Song: Here Comes Your Man
Artist: The Pixies
Song: Bollocks to the Real World
Artist: Too Many Daves
Song: When I See You Smile
Artist: Bic Runga
Song: Couldn't Be Done
Artist: Tim Finn
Song: Beautiful Haze
Artist: SJD