18 Oct 2014

Playing Favourites with Shaun Barnett and Chris Maclean

From Saturday Morning, 10:05 am on 18 October 2014

Tramping History pg wideShaun Barnett edits the Federated Mountain Clubs’ Bulletin, has been a full-time photographer and writer since 1996, and has written a number of books on tramping.

Chris Maclean is an historian with an interest in outdoor themes, and has written books about John Pascoe, the Tararua Ranges and Kapiti Island.

Both are long-time trampers, and have joined forces to create the new, illustrated book, Tramping: A New Zealand History (Craig Potton Publishing)

Shaun and Chris join Kim Hill for a chat and to play some favorite music.

You can see images from the book in this online gallery © Shaun Barnett/Black Robin Photography.

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