19 Dec 2015

Jeremy Leggett: winning the carbon war

From Saturday Morning, 8:12 am on 19 December 2015

Is it safe yet? In Paris on 12 December, 195 countries agreed on a plan to reduce greenhouse gases and try to hold temperatures to just 1.5 degrees centigrade (if possible) above pre-industrial levels. British social entrepreneur Jeremy Leggett was there.

Jeremy Leggett is the founder of the solar energy company Solarcentury, and international charity organisation SolarAid. He chairs the not-for-profit financial think tank Carbon Tracker, and is a climate and energy activist and historian who is currently updating his book The Winning of the Carbon War to include coverage of the Paris Climate Summit (for publication in early 2016). He was the inaugural Hillary Laureate at the Hillary Insitute in 2009.

Jeremy Leggett tells Kim Hill that what happened in Paris was like nothing else in human history – the world's first agreement to fight an existential threat to life as we know it on the planet.

Photo of Jeremy Leggett

Jeremy Leggett Photo: supplied

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