11 Jun 2016

Mana Vautier: Maori astronaut

From Saturday Morning, 9:40 am on 11 June 2016

Kim Hill talks with Mana Vautier, who hopes to become the first Māori in space.

Mana Vautier

Mana Vautier. Photo: supplied

Mana Vautier (of Te Arawa, Ngai Tahu, Ngati Kahungunu and Ngati Raukawa descent) is an aerospace engineer at NASA’s Johnson Space Centre in Houston, Texas.

He is currently in Rotorua for Callaghan Innovation’s second Māori Inspire Event, Matariki X, which brings together up to 350 Māori entrepreneurs and selected rangatahi, to explore the importance and role of innovation and the opportunities it will bring to the Māori economy.

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