18 Feb 2017

Peter Hambleton & David Carnegie: the bard in the capital

From Saturday Morning, 9:35 am on 18 February 2017
Peter Hambleton

Peter Hambleton Photo: supplied

The 2017 season of Wellington Summer Shakespeare has kicked off with a performance of All's Well That Ends Well (it'll run between 18th February and the 3rd of March) and a book has been published to commemorate 34 years of this event in the capital. Kim Hill talks to Peter Hambleton, who is directing this year's season. Peter's an alumnus following his Artistic Fellowship to Shakespeare's Globe 2002, and a Winston Churchill Fellow 2007 investigating Shakespeare productions in the UK; he's directed local stage productions of a range of works, and starred as the Dwarf Gloin (Father of Gimli) in Sir Peter Jackson's The Hobbit movie trilogy.

David Carnegie

David Carnegie Photo: supplied

Kim also talks with David Carnegie, Emeritus Professor of Theatre at Victoria University, who has published widely on early modern drama and stagecraft. A founding member of the Summer Shakespeare Trust, David has been closely involved in the publication with Victoria University Press of David Lawrence's history, Wellington Summer Shakespeare, 1983-2017.

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